One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2025 is to get better at digital crafting, and I’ve excitedly (and a little regrettably) dived into the deep end by attempting to teach myself how to 3D print models using resin. It’s only been a week so far since I set up my brand new Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra printer, and I’ve learnt alot with help from YouTube tutorials and by simply getting stuck in.

Just like my first 3 weeks with an FDM 3D printer, there have been plenty of learning curves I’ve dealt with while getting to grips with resin printing. For starters, the slicing process involves learning how to use new software from scratch, adjusting to different support structures, and more importantly, ensuring that you’ve added drainage holes to your models before printing them to prevent them from internally cracking and eventually exploding (yes, really).