Discovering complementary font pairs is a lot like coming across a color combination you’d never considered. Just as a great color combo brings out the best in both shades—think of the stunning contrast created by purple and green, or blue and yellow—the right font pairing enhances both fonts for an exciting new look and feel.
Font pairing can be pretty straightforward if you use different weights from the same family—for instance, we know Helvetica Now Regular goes well with Helvetica Now Bold. But you might want to take the contrast further and pair fonts from different families.
As fun and creatively inspiring as this can be, navigating near-infinite pairing possibilities can also be overwhelming. Luckily, Monotype’s AI-powered Font Pairing feature makes it a whole lot easier, so you can relish the subtle art of font pairing without the stress of starting entirely from scratch.
Monotype’s cutting-edge Font Pairing feature even takes your unique preferences into account: “like” or “dislike” each font pairing suggestion to narrow down what you’re looking for. In response, the feature will keep presenting you with options to suit your preferred vibe or aesthetic.
Your options abound: you can search by a specific font, explore all pairs, or generate pairs randomly. You can also explore font pairs in dark mode and at different sizes, and even edit the text on the page to see what prospective pairs will look like in use. Simply click “Generate pairs” or input the font of your choice to get started.
Not only is Monotype’s Font Pairing feature a joy to use, but it’ll also save you time on future projects, as you’ll no longer have to pull potential matches out of thin air.
Powered by AI, this feature is trained to suggest top-notch font pairings curated by Monotype’s Studio team. And the more you use the feature, the more it learns your likes and dislikes, constantly refining and improving its pairings.
To test out these impressive capabilities, sign up for a free trial of Monotype Fonts. In addition to the Font Pairing feature, you’ll gain access to 150,000+ high-quality fonts from 1,400+ of the world’s best type foundries, plus features like seamless font management and instant font syncing. When you come across a font pairing you love, adding it to your library is as easy as clicking “Get font.” Sign up for your 30-day free trial today.