Typography is the art of arranging letters or type in a way that is legible, attractive and clear. Type is everywhere: it’s on the back of cereal boxes, on billboards and on terms and conditions, it’s on handwritten letters, typed out notices and on TV credits.

Typographers are people who create and manipulate type and typography design plays a key role in a designer’s skill set. The typeface you choose and how it works with your layout, grid, colour scheme can make or break a design. Typography often carries the weight of a message, and getting it right contributes to the message being communicate successfully.

image of man on dark background
Julien Fincker

Julien Fincker is a French designer and lives near Stuttgart, Germany. After graduating as a communications and graphic designer, he worked for influential agencies and companies such as Grafisches Atelier Stankowski + Duschek. Type has always been a big part of his work – but only as a user. In 2018 he finally started to draw his first letters and released his first typeface in the beginning of 2019. With Fincker Font Cuisine he takes the focus on type in all its facets, from designing fonts to woodcutting and printing in his workshop.