Whether making the most of new tech tools transforming the world of typography, or creating something by hand IRL, the 2020s, so far, has been a time for both experimentation and embracing heritage. In a largely digital-first world, many of the most recently created typefaces are highly variable with multiple personalities for a huge variety of projects and settings.

We’ve been watching this space closely, particularly in the run up to our Typography Week in September. For this piece, we asked typographers, designers and other industry experts for their top typography picks of the decade so far. This is a bumper edition to kick off our best typography of the decade series, with 16 entries (in no particular order) to give you all the inspiration you need for your next type project. You can also check out the typography trends we predicted for 2024 here.

Qandus was part of the Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib project, launched in order to create a typographic family that combined three writing systems of Maghreb and Al-Andalus – Latin, Arabic and Tifinagh. It was designed by a trio of typographers, Lebanese-born Amsterdam-based Kristyan Sarkis (Arabic), Laura Meseguer from Barcelona (Latin) and Juan Luis Blanco based in Zumaia in Spain (Tifinagh).