Paris’ Mayor has announced plans to keep the Olympic rings permanently on display on the Eiffel Tower, or until ‘at least 2028’. With the Paralympic Games about to wrap up, the city is still gripped in sporting fever, the Olympic rings are sitting proudly on the Eiffel Tower and the Paralympic symbol – Agitos – is displayed on the Arc de Triomphe. But even in the midst of the action, not everyone is convinced by the plan – and I have to agree with them.

Most critics are highlighting the disconnect between displaying the symbol of an external organisation on a structure so integral to the city of Paris. Marking the iconic building in this way is a massive statement that changes how the world views the structure, and therefore how they view Paris. Even the family of Gustave Eiffel (the designer of the tower) have stated that the tower is “not intended as an advertising platform”. (It also involves a lot of faff that will make the move a very deliberate choice – they’re too heavy so they’ll have to be replaced with lighter ones.)