Where there’s a will there’s a way. It’s an old adage and one that holds enduring resonance. A testament to willpower and creative fearlessness is André Luís, co-founder of the global digital creative community Trojan Horse Was A Unicorn, a playful name chosen after trying hundreds of different options and often shortened to THU. 

The organisation’s mission is to provide access to networking and mentoring opportunities that can showcase artists’ work right across the digital space. Being part of THU is to participate in a variety of communities that can support and nurture careers in the creative industry. Its network includes developers, musicians, designers, marketeers, compositors, illustrators and 3D artists (if you need to update your own setup, see our guide to the best drawing tablets for artists on the go).

Beyond cultivating ways for creatives to connect and share their work, André also has an ambition for THU to find a space to address and provide a venue for considering how to change behaviours in the creative industries.