Most industries have well-known brands and lesser-known alternatives. The big guns get the headlines and most of the airtime, but not necessarily because they’re any better. In the world of game design, this is very much the case with Godot and GameMaker. Compared to Unity and Unreal Engine, you could say they’re well behind the pack but that would be doing them a grave injustice.

Both Godot and GameMaker are fantastic game engines that have seen a rise in popularity thanks largely to Unity’s pricing restructure. The fact that Godot is free and GameMaker offers a free version makes these two alternatives particularly appealing for indie developers. Both enable you to make and release games in the best games consoles, including PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, as well as PC.

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Row 0 – Cell 0 Godot GameMaker
OS Windows, macOS, and Linux Windows, macOS, and Linux
CPU x86 for Windows. ARM on macOS Dual Core CPU
GPU Integrated graphics with full Vulkan 1.0 support for Forward+ rendering and mobile rendering. OpenGL 3.3 support is required for the compatibility rendering method OpenGL 4-compliant onboard graphics
Memory 4GB RAM minimum 2GB RAM minimum