Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang swapped jackets and sat down for a fireside chat at SIGGRAPH 2024 on Monday, sharing their vision for the future of AI. It emerged that they have a lot in common, both imagining a future where every company, and even individual social media creators, will have an AI assistant or chatbot.

But while some of that vision sounds beneficial, or at least inevitable, I’m not entirely convinced that it’s something most people want or need.

There are big questions around trust and credibility if companies and influencers ‘sub-contract’ their community management to AI bots, and risks for brand partnerships too. Meta does allow its AI characters to be programmed to avoid certain topics, but we’ve seen so many cases of chatbots going off the rails, making inappropriate suggestions or simply providing inaccurate information that it remains to be seen how useful and reliable they can be on this kind of scale. For now, it seems a reckless strategy for anyone to put their reputation in the hands of an AI avatar whose training it can’t fully control. It also makes me feel that the ‘social’ part of social media is truly coming to an end.